
Under the leadership of Representative Garnet Coleman and Senator Rodney Ellis, the Greater Southeast Management District (GSMD) was created in 2001 by the 77th Texas Legislature pursuant to House Bill 3692. The establishment of GSMD implemented a second economic development tool identified in the Greater Third Ward Community Plan to work in conjunction with TIRZ #7.

The mission of the District is “to enhance and promote the image of the District, create a desirable area to attract more businesses, investments, and residents to the district, provide services and information that will stimulate business growth in the environment for businesses and residents in the District in order to increase the revitalization, and spur the redevelopment of this mixed-use urban neighborhood for all property owners, residents and tenants”. Visit www.greatersoutheastonline.com to view GSMD’s 5-Year Service and Assessment Plan.

Greater Southeast Management District and OST/Almeda Corridors Redevelopment Authority, operating on behalf of TIRZ #7, have forged a strong partnership to revitalize the Zone and the District. Because the budget of the District is small, cost-sharing where possible, such as co-located offices, meeting space, etc. have been initiated.

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OST/Almeda Corridors Redevelopment Authority
3131 Emancipation Avenue, Suite 225
Houston, Texas 77004
Office: 713-522-5154
Fax: 713-522-1105

Email: tirz7@ostalmeda.com